Yesterday, I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to a text from my apartment complex: "Dear resident, we are forced to shut off the water in the community due to a water leak. The water district is on their way." My first thought? You've got to be kidding me! By 6:30 a.m., I texted my supervisor, explaining the situation and letting her know I would need to work remotely due to the emergency.
Later that morning, I called a friend to tell her what was happening. She joked, "It’s 105 degrees outside, at least you still have electricity!" We both laughed, but the laughter was short-lived. I was internally complaining. I realized just how inconvenient it was when I went to brush my teeth with a water bottle. Around lunchtime, I talked to another friend. I told her I would be so grateful when I have water again. We discussed the steps I could take to make it work because I absolutely needed to go to work in person the next day.
By 7:30 p.m., I found myself talking to yet another friend. After I shared the events of the day, she asked, "What are you going to do?" I responded, "I'm going to pray, and fast if I have to!" She laughed, but I was serious. That felt like my last resort.
Why did I wait so long to pray? Why did I wait so long to involve God? How often do we push Him to the side for what we deem "silly" issues? After the call, I prayed. I prayed thanking God for having a flexible job that allows me to work remotely on a day like that. I thanked God for having internet at home so I could work remotely. I thanked God for having a personal computer. I thanked God for having electricity. I thanked God for having food. I thanked God for my life. I thanked God for the provision he gave me as I was thinking about going to Walmart to get a bucket and some water gallons. I thanked God for bringing my attention back to him.
After I prayed, I said, I would reach out to someone at church to come over and if that didn't work, I would go to Walmart. I also thanked God for my church family. Not 30 minutes passed by, and I heard the sound of the water. I went to the bathroom sink to confirm. There was water. I jumped and shouted thank you Jesus for water. Thank you for bringing me back to being grateful for the little things!
Can you think of some little things you might be taking for granted? Like your fridge, your stove, your phone, the internet, your eyesight, your health, your job, your computer, or your car? The list goes on. Would you join me for the next 7 days in consistently thanking God for the things we often overlook? These "small" things turn out to be incredibly important—trust me, I know! I made about 10 trips to the sink to either wash a fruit or my hands! Oh, and in case you were wondering, I couldn’t even flush the toilet. Once again, I’m deeply grateful for something as simple as water.
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I’m thankful to be able to read this, which serves as a great reminder to always be thankful and seek God first in everything.