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Pouring From an Empty Cup: Embracing Self-Care and Finding Balance

Writer's picture: Daenne’s JournalDaenne’s Journal

Pouring From an Empty Cup: Embracing Self-Care and Finding Balance
Cover image by: Ugur Tandogan. Courtesy of Pexels.

Daenne's Journal, Fam,

It has been a while.

Recently, I realized that I have been pouring from an empty cup. I wanted to write about it, but I thought, "It's the same old same old." Then I went to church, and the message was literally about the same thing I was experiencing. So, I thought, "Okay, God, I will share this. I hope it is a blessing to you."

Those who are really close to me know that I usually have a lot on my plate. Sometimes, it's too much, I would say. I work full-time and have overtime most weeks. I also do things outside of work, serve at church, and help a few friends with different projects. Not to mention, I was recently working on a certificate that required quite a bit of reading. I have been constantly on the go and barely took time for myself.

Everything was business as usual until I started getting easily irritated. I mean, everything bothered me. Many things didn't go as planned. I met with a potential client, and while we were talking about the different things I do, he asked, "When do you have time for yourself?" Of course, he would ask that; he is a therapist. I paused and answered, "I have a work-life balance," listing the million things I usually do as self-care.

When I got home, I started thinking about these things and couldn't remember the last time I actually did them. I told myself that I needed to schedule some vacations, so I planned some time to visit a friend out of state, and, of course, I have a trip planned for two weeks in Florida. Honestly, these trips felt so far away. I needed to do something soon, something I enjoyed. I had a DAYCATION. I am glad that I live on the West Coast, where I can retreat to the mountains at any time. I went hiking, took a daytime nap, went out for some good food, and prayed. I felt brand new. I realized how much I enjoyed myself and couldn't believe I hadn't been making myself a priority.

As someone who gives 200% in everything I do, I realized how important it is for me to schedule these DAYCATIONS where everything is about ME and the things I enjoy. When I give out of an empty cup, no one gets the best of me, not even myself. I could go on and on about myself, but now I want to talk about you.

Are you pouring from an empty cup? If you're not sure, I can ask better questions. Are you serving/helping those around you joyfully? Do you get easily irritated? Are you always tired? When was the last time you were genuinely happy? Are you content in this season? Are you doing the things you love? When was the last time you laughed? When was the last time you had fun?

I promise, work will always be there. The things that need your attention will stay there. I can tell you from experience that the world will be just fine with you taking a day or even a few hours for yourself. You owe yourself that much. I know that at some point, we all pour from an empty cup, but let's not make it a habit. Like flight attendants always say, put on your mask before helping those around you. If your cup is empty, refill it and prioritize self-care. Only then can you help fill up others.

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Jun 16, 2023

I absolutely love this post, Daenne!!! Thank you for having the strength and courage to share some of the struggles you’ve recently been juggling.

It is so so SO important to practice patience, kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness towards ourselves. I’m glad you’re doing so with you and taking these daycations!

Other things that can sometimes help—and they might sound cliche but they’re scientifically proven!—are the following:

* Take a 5-10 min breather away from the current task, to reset and restrategize

* Eat lunch away from your desk and off electronic devices—the screen will still be there, I promise

* Try listening to calming instrumental music as you work to help filter out distracting sounds

* Start the…

Daenne’s Journal
Daenne’s Journal
Jun 16, 2023
Replying to


Words can’t express how much I appreciate you taking the time to call and making this comment. As the one who usually pours and give, it feels nice for you to reach out. I will definitely try these things out. Your energy is amazing. I believe you’ll fit right into our online community. If you’re free on Tuesday at 5:00 pm we’re meeting online. Hope you can join us. Sending you a virtual hug.

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