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My Story, His Glory

Writer's picture: Daenne’s JournalDaenne’s Journal

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

"Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

I am just a girl who moved to the United States from Haiti 7 years ago. When I moved, I thought I was going backward. Although it was a huge accomplishment for me to move here, I couldn't stop thinking about all the what if's.

In August 2012, I went to Florida International University to inquire about the application process, and everything was so difficult to understand to the point that I told my mom that I don't want to do this.

I had two friends who had come from Haiti in a similar situation as me, I spoke to them and they told me about the English program at Miami Dade College and how it has helped them. I wanted to go to Dade, but a lot of people discouraged my parents. They said, "why go to a community College?, she should go to a private University, a University with a big name." Now, looking back, I would not have it any other way. In another article, I will talk about the many advantages of going to a Community College.

Going to Miami Dade College was the best decision I could ever make in my academic life. When I got to Miami Dade College, I was told that I could not enroll in the ESOL classes because I was 17 and I should be in High School. I didn't even want to hear the rest of the story, I told my mom that I am not going back to high school because I have a valid High school diploma. An employee of MDC that I will never forget referred us to see a Haitian adviser because she felt that we would feel more comfortable speaking in our native tongue. She was right, we were helped, and I did the English Program in 1 year instead of 2 1/2 years. Right after, I took the PERT exam and started my regular College Classes.

During my time at MDC, I still had many challenges. I still had a very thick accent, and I still needed people to speak slower for me at times, but I push through and graduated with an Associate in Arts degree. Now looking back, I can see the Lord's hand in everything that happened at MDC. The lady who had us meet with the Haitian adviser, my professors who were very understanding and encouraging, the learning ability, all of it. The Lord was always there with me.

After MDC, I transferred to Florida International University. At first, I wanted to go out of state, but God had greater plans for me right here at FIU.

Keep in mind in whatever it is that you are doing not everyone will be rooting for you, not everyone will want to see you make it, and not everyone will give you the best advice and it's okay. Not everyone liked Jesus, the only perfect man who walked the earth.

But, I have to say that God blessed me with some amazing people. A huge Thank you to my person who is my loudest cheerleader. Thank you to my BROTHER who is my favorite supporter!!! He always sees me in the light and has believed in me when no one else did. He always uplifted me. He has never doubted me once. This one is for you bro! Thanks to my parents, and sister. A Hugeeeeeee thank you to all the Faculty and Staff at FIU who have always believed in me. Thank you to everyone who ever encouraged me and prayed for me! You are all appreciated!

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will let some of the pictures about the highlight of my undergraduate life at FIU speak for me. As you scroll and read the caption of the pictures, I want you to keep these truths in mind, I DID NOT WANT TO GO TO FIU because I thought out of state would be better. I WAS SCARED OF THE UNKNOWN. I DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH 7 YEARS AGO. I AM THE GIRL WHO GOT MADE FUN OF FOR NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH PROPERLY. I WANTED TO GO BACK HOME. MY CLASSES GOT HARD, AND I ALMOST GAVE UP. BUT, I PUSHED THROUGH, MY GOD STRENGTHENED ME AND KEPT ME GOING.

Before you keep going, I have a t-shirt that actually sums up this article, click here to shop.

Farewell address as President of Tau Sigma at the Tau Sigma's Red Carpet Gala

Recognizing Tau Sigma's Most Active Members

Tau Sigma's Fall 2018 Induction Ceremony

Tau Sigma's General Body Meeting

2019 Transfer Student Orientation

Connect4Success Orientation at Miami Dade College

Global Learning Medallion Ceremony

Women Who Lead Conference

Representing FIU in Houston, Texas

Representing FIU in Houston, Texas

Representing FIU at Tau Sigma's Annual Leadership Conference in Orlando

First Generation Scholarship Ceremony

Fiu's President

2018 Transfer Meet and Greet

Tau Sigma's SnowBall

National Student Exchange Program at the University of Louisville Kentucky

President of the University of Louisville

National Student Exchange Executive Board

Presentation at the H.E.A.R.T Orientation

Induction Ceremony

Tau Sigma's Women's Health Drive


If you don't remember anything else about my story, remember that God is a marvelous God! He can make the impossible become possible!

There will be obstacles in the way to your destination, but the struggle will be worth it in the end. Nothing that is worth it will come to you easily.

Just because no one else has done it doesn't mean you cannot do it!

Always walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

I almost forgot, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, and a Minor in International Communication.

Graduate Degree coming soon!

God was always there with me even when I didn't feel Him or put Him first. He made ways for me when I didn't even see a way. I got invited to places without me asking about it. My name gets given for things I didn't even know existed! There is no way I could have accomplished any of these things above without God! My Story is for His Glory and His Glory Alone!!!


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