I don't know about you, but one of the hardest things for me to do is ask for help. I am the first person to volunteer to help, yet somehow I am never "in need". My therapist and books that I have read suggested for me to dig deeper, but let's pretend that I am perfect for now.
I recently moved- my most and least favorite thing to do. Although, I like the smell of new places and new things, I don't like the process of moving. Moving is already stressful, but the overachiever that I am, I added a few extra layer of stress to this move. I had just returned from a trip on November 30, was scheduled to pick up my keys on December 1, and had another trip planned for December 3. At first, I was "fine", thinking I could do it all on my own. I even started. I thank God for the people he put on my path.
I was telling one of my pastors about what I had coming up; she suggested that I reached out to another pastor to ask a few of the guys for help. I love how persistent my pastor is because the next time I saw her, she asked me about it again. At that point, I was overwhelmed. I told her; I have a lot going on, but no words from the guys yet. I shared a little bit about the other things I had going on she prayed for me and gave me the biggest hug.
When I got home that night, I received multiple text from the team I serve with offering to come help me pack, move and clean. I was so touched by the gesture. I didn't have to ask. They offered. They helped me move. I saw the love of God on display. They served so wholeheartedly. I am so grateful to be at a church where the love of God is always on display.
I don't usually ask for help because of some many reasons. I don't like to be a bother. Truly, I don't like having people in the middle of my chaos. I was on the phone with one of my friends a couple of days before the move telling her how dirty my place looked. I told her I didn't want the people to see it. Thank God for honest friends. She said " Daenne, get over yourself, you are moving. One they've been to your place before and know how pristine it usually looks. Two, if they judge you, at least you got help out of it."
As I was moving, I found a lot of my old journals. I found a lot of articles that never got published. I realized how I've lost touched with posting exactly what I was thinking in that moment. That is partly because I don't have a weekly deadline anymore.
Just like I don't need a clean house as I move out, I also don't need to publish "pristine articles".
Cheers to 2025 where we are heading back to inside of my journals!
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