Recently, I met with a group of seniors and we were chatting about the holidays. Some shared they were going to spend the holidays with their children, some others are widowed, some did not have children, some no longer have living friends, some do not have a good relationship with their children, some have absolutely no one. My heart broke hearing those stories.
I went to church and the title of the message was "Finding Your New Hope Christmas". It could not have been a coincidence. I automatically felt inspired to write this article. The sermon talked about what Christmas truly is about. It is about HOPE. We often focus a lot on the gifts under the tree while we already received the greatest gift of all- Jesus.
The sermon made me think about the ladies I met. When they were telling me their stories, I could feel the sadness. I could hear it in their voices. I could see it in their eyes. I now realized that a little bit of hope is what they need. They said "you are too young to be hanging out with us." Maybe they know about God, maybe they don't. I am glad that I was able to share the love of God with them.
During this jolly season, I want to encourage you to be extra kind to everyone you come in contact with because not everyone is jolly. I recently saw a post that shared a picture of celebrities who committed suicide that were the most "happy looking" people on the outside. A lot of people are suffering right now. Some are hurt because of family, relationship, broken heart, death, grief, depression, finances, anxiety, loneliness and so much more.
I realize that even those in the church often deal with these things. I would love to encourage you to show love to those around you by genuinely caring for them. You can even do so in a tangible way. If you know someone who is hurting, here are a few ways you can bless them. Give them a phone call to let them know you were thinking about them. You never know what that may mean to some. Bake/buy cookies and drop them off with a small card. Send a handwritten note or card to let them know you were thinking about them. If you are on a budget, and would like to send a tangible gift, I'd love to help. Please use the code SHARINGHOPE24 for a $15 coupon to shop for a gift at You can add a note to your order and a card with your note will be mailed to them.
If the person who is hurting is you, I pray that as you read this you are reminded that you are not alone. God loves you immensely. He loves you so much that he sent his one and only son to die for the forgiveness of your sins. Because of what Jesus has done on the cross, you can now walk in freedom. I pray that you put all that is weighing you down at the feet of Jesus today. He said "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. No matter what you are going through, God can help lighten up the load. My prayer is that you will give it all to him today. Like my pastor said in his sermon, "Jesus is searching for you. He is waiting for you to come to him. His arms are wide open." I pray that you make the decision to accept this invitation and follow him today.
Have a Joyous Christmas!
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